We are officially ONE MONTH into the One Room Challenge, yay! I am so glad to be tackling a project that has been on my to-do list all year (and then some) and to see everything coming together, thankfully without too many hiccups.
Before I dive into this week’s progress, I’ll drop the links to the last three weeks in case you need to catch up, or get a refresher:
Week One // Week Two // Week Three

The Paint

Moving right along now into Week 4! Question: have you ever looked back at your recent “Pinterest Transactions” and noticed a pretty obvious theme? I did! When I went looking for inspiration for my ORC Powder Room paint color I noticed a pattern; I was pinning these beautiful darkly-painted walls over and over again. The colors varied from charcoal to navy but my favorites were these dark, rich, olive green colors. The biggest inspiration came from the photo above via Emily Henderson.
In search of the most perfect paint color for the powder bathroom that was close to that one, I ended up narrowing it down to about six colors. Check them out in the graphic above.
The Lighting

For lighting, anything would be an improvement to be honest, because I was working with the most builder-basic light in the history of ever. But I narrowed it down to the following six lights. As you can see, at the last minute I went rogue and chose 01. And rather than the metal shade, I chose a pretty linen shade. I feel like it will light the space better and help tie in the linen roman blind that is coming later!

Lighting Sources
One // Two // Three // Four // Five // Six
The walls are getting painted, the lighting is going in and my powder bathroom is looking more and more put together! I can’t wait to show you my One Room Challenge final result in just two weeks! Until then, thanks for following along!

[…] One // Week Two // Week Three // Week Four // Week […]